In the summer of 2017, I interviewed Alamo Heights Athletic Director Jennifer Roland about her first year at Alamo Heights and what she hopes to see in the future for the Mules. Now in the summer of 2018, Roland is headed into her third year at Alamo Heights. Her second year included magnificent state runs by the Boys Basketball and Girls Soccer teams, more incredible success for the Tennis team and some great seasons in the pool from the Swimming and Diving teams.
This Q&A is from our interview last year, but I thought it would be nice to look back at Roland’s answers as the Mules prepare for what promises to be another successful year at Alamo Heights.
Last year, Jennifer Roland moved from Lubbock Independent School District and became the new athletic director at Alamo Heights. In her first year, she oversaw highly successful seasons at the high school that included a co-state title winner in golf and a pair of state titles in tennis.
As she prepares for her second year at Alamo Heights, Roland sat down with Alamo Heights junior Brian Yancelson to speak about memorable experiences during her first year, what she learned about the community, and also to detail some of the exciting changes that await the Mules.
How was your first year at Alamo Heights?
It was great. It was a learning year, and I got to learn the Alamo Heights way and how we do things here. More importantly, I got to establish some really good relationships and just learn what we’re about. I can bring things that I know now and partner them with the things that I learned this year moving forward.
Was there anything that surprised you about Alamo Heights?
I think the biggest surprise for me is how close knit the community and district are. As a district we are classified as a 5A school, but we operate in a much smaller manner. Decisions being made across the district are fully vetted by members of the administrative team, the school, the students and the community. We have an all-in approach and for someone who was new to the community that was a welcome surprise. I will say one thing in particular is the amount of support we get from our parents is amazing. Team lunches, for example, are just a small thing in the big picture, but a huge component to the success of our programs. Team lunches not only provide an opportunity for our teams to have a meal together, they are the first step in preparation for the competition that day, and our parents make it happen. The community is a crucial piece of our programs, and that’s one of the greatest things I’ve come to realize about the district.
What’s been the most memorable experience as the athletic director so far?
We had some fireworks that went off during our first football playoff game last year. We were playing a home game, and in the middle of the game there were some local fireworks that went off and that’s been one of the funniest things to happen; however, it did spark a little excitement for the kids and we went on to win the game. Also, for me the most memorable thing is establishing relationships and getting to know our coaches. As far as athletics, apart from the fireworks, the most memorable experience this year was the state golf tournament. Watching our boys team compete at the level that they competed at, and Mac Meissner was clutch on his last few holes tying for first place after the round and entering sudden death. Watching him compete at such a high level was probably one of the highlights of my career as an athletic director. The shots that those two boys made in all three of the sudden death holes were incredible. Not only that, but watching our fans and our parents and all the other teams there run from hole to hole, it was like the PGA Tour, and it was awesome. Due to lightning, Mac’s high school career ended after the third hole of the state championship with a co-champion gold medal-it was fantastic!
What changes did you implement in your first year?
One of the biggest changes we made to the overall athletic program was aligning our athletic periods for our team sports. We now offer two girls’ athletic periods and two boys’ athletic periods. By implementing this change, we eliminate the need for students to change their class schedule in order to participate in multiple sports. Another exciting change we have made as a district is entering a partnership with Under Armour and Cardinal’s Sports. Our students will now wear the same brand across the district, creating a sense of unity among teams and schools. There are several components to the agreement, but one of the most exciting pieces for our students is we will be an UA field testing school. The Alamo Heights athletes will be able to “test” new products and review them for UA. The decision to go with UA and Cardinal’s Sports was a lengthy one, it was not a singular decision, but one that included our students, coaches and school community. We looked at the three major brands (UA, Nike and Adidas) and made our decision based on the total package (product, discounts, rebates and branding). The football team will remain in Adidas for this season, as they are on the third year of a three year deal with Adidas. Moving forward we hope to create a sense of community by co-branding AH with UA in a meaningful and powerful way.
What new ideas do you still hope to bring to Alamo Heights?
I talked to all our coaches about this, just really focusing on who we are as a district and supporting one another by enhancing our culture, celebrating our victories and telling our story. . One of the most important things to me is that we continue to work our vertical alignment and allow our kids to participate in more than one sport. Vertical alignment means providing an avenue for our students to understand and work towards the goal of becoming a Mighty Varsity Mule. Creating a connection between our campuses and having our varsity Mules give back and connect with our mini Mules. Telling our story is important, and I want to really focus on who we are and all the good that we do.

How will the new bond affect the athletic department?
It’s going to affect it in such a fantastic way. Starting here at the high school, pretty much everything will be new with the exception of the weight room and the sky gym. Everything will be in segments, but when the construction is complete, our students will have the facilities they deserve. We’re going to have an incredible new pool, which will open up so many new opportunities not just for our community but the surrounding communities. It’s going to be by the tennis center, and it’s going to be state of the art. We’ll also be able to bring diving back into our facility. With the new facilities, we will have adequate space for practices, games and tournaments. We’ll have two turf fields, three team sport courts, a new dance/cheer gym, an expanded weight room, updates to both softball and baseball and other very exciting additions. As for the stadium, the track, field and home side will be completely redone and ROTC will have a new space as well. It’s all very exciting and will all be a lot of fun.
Has your mindset changed going into this year now that you’ve been a part of the community for a year?
I don’t know that my mindset has changed, but I just feel more comfortable getting to know the community and even just San Antonio. I feel such a sense of pride to be here. It almost seems like I can have a little more fun. For example, the volleyball team invited me to participate in their practice, which was so much fun to me as a former volleyball coach. My goals for this year include getting to know our kids more, enhancing our leadership through our student leadership academy and really focus on planning for our new facilities. We have so much history in our buildings that we have to really work on a way to preserve the history and honor the history, but also move it into the new facilities and our new future. That’s an important and very delicate thing that I will really focus in on over the next few years.
What would you say to the students of the school about how they can participate and be excited about the changes ahead?
One of the other things I’m most proud about is that we established a student leadership council. We’ve asked all of the UIL participants to nominate two leaders to be a part of this leadership group. We can use that group to develop leaders because the idea is that we come together and do leadership building, then they take it back to their team or group and they implement those things with their groups. It also provides a really good student voice in planning for the future and planning for the facilities. We’ll meet once a month during lunch, and it involves every group, which goes back to the whole culture of one school being united as a family. It’s important that we support each other no matter what we’re involved in.
If you had to boil it down to one thing that you’re most excited about for this year, what would you say?
The start of a new year. Last year was a whirlwind, and I am looking forward to slowing it down and really enjoying our kids more. I spend a lot getting to know our coaches, and I want to spend a lot of time getting to know our kids this year. For me, that’s going to be a lot of fun.