To Speak or Not to Speak

Well known for not caring about what people say, Marshawn Lynch has again become the center of attention for being very quiet, and to some disrespectful at the Super Bowl media day and press conferences. On Wednesday, Lynch responded to every question thrown his way with, “I’m just here so I don’t get fined.” He wasn’t lying. After answering with that response 29 consecutive times, he promptly left once the mandatory four minutes and 30 seconds for his availability were up.


Lynch has sparked controversy, as many believe he must speak to the media, even though he hates it. Today, he once again showed anger with the media, saying how much he doesn’t care what people think. I see both sides of this issue. Yes, he’s a role model and should maybe be more of a positive speaker in public, but if he is shy and truly doesn’t like speaking then let him be. He should not be forced to speak every week. Would you like it if every move you make there are cameras and microphones shoved in your face? It gets annoying, so let Lynch be.

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