Senior Spotlight: Parker Taylor

As the starting center fielder, Parker Taylor is in charge of patrolling the Alamo Heights outfield. Before he became an outfielder, Taylor played the infield, so his experience at both positions makes Taylor a versatile player. Taylor doesn’t stop there, as he also pitches for the Mules. He’s played from a young age at the little league, often playing with his older brother Preston, who played on the State championship team last season.


For his senior spotlight, Taylor sat down with me to talk about his life in baseball, what it was like playing with his brother, and to answer some fun “rapid-fire” questions.


When did you start playing baseball?

I started when I was really young all the way from tee-ball, so probably like six years old all the way until now, so it’s been a while. It’s always been at the little league and then a couple of club teams when I was younger.


When did you make varsity?

I got pulled for playoffs my sophomore year just to sit in and see how it’s going and see how Varsity works.


What has been your favorite memory with Alamo Heights baseball?

Going to the State tournament is my favorite memory. I wish we would have won, but it was still fun.


What was it like playing with your brother?

It was fun. We’ve been playing together for so long, and it was finally fun to make it that far especially with him, because I’m sure that was fun to watch for my parents


Were there any challenges to always playing with him?

Definitely competition. Who was better or who was playing better was always a fight between us.


What is your next step after high school? Do you hope to continue playing baseball?

I’m not sure yet. Maybe college baseball, but I’m not quite sure yet. It depends on offers or if I do get scholarships where I want to play.


Do you have any pregame rituals or superstitions?

Me and Nathaniel usually like to do little hamstring stretches before games. Then we play this game called “two-ball,” and it’s just fun to play.


What’s the best part of playing the outfield?

The best part is knowing that the other two outfielders are there to back you up if you were to make a play or leave your feet, they’re always behind you to throw someone out if needed.


Credit: San Antonio Express News
Credit: San Antonio Express News


What’s your go to song before a game?

Whatever is on in the locker room. There’s no particular song or type of music that I listen to. I just go with the flow.


Who is your favorite sports team?

I have to go with the Red Sox. Then in basketball definitely the Spurs. I also follow Texas A&M baseball sometimes.


Who do you go to if you need a laugh in the dugout or at practice?

It would have to be either Angel Tijerina or Rob Ellwood. Sometimes it’s James Tyng, sometimes Nathaniel Prete. Just different people.


If you could invent anything to make baseball easier, what would it be?

I would probably say no off-speed pitches, just fastballs right down the middle. So maybe something to just know when off-speed is coming.


Name three people you would invite to your dream dinner party. 

I’d invite my girl Alexis Ren, probably the best model. I would invite probably my dad, and then my brother.


If you had to tell the world one thing about yourself, what would you say?

That I’m outgoing.


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