Senior Spotlight: Nathaniel Prete

As a freshman at Alamo Heights, Nathaniel Prete stormed his way onto Varsity and made an immediate impact. Now, Prete lies at the heart of this Mules team as a starting pitcher, second baseman, and middle-of-the-order bat. After this season, Prete will continue his career at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, where he will play both baseball and football.


New this year, every senior on Varsity will be spotlighted throughout the 2017 season. Nathaniel Prete is the first of the seniors to be spotlighted, and he sat down with me after practice to discuss his baseball career and answer some fun “rapid-fire” questions.


When did you start playing baseball?

I started playing when I was about five years old in tee-ball over at the little league. I went through the whole little league system, through minors and majors, and then I made it to the high school.


When did you make varsity?

I made it as a freshman. I didn’t initially make it, but I played a tournament with Junior Varsity A (JVA), and varsity needed a shortstop, so I got called up early in the season.


What has been your favorite memory with Alamo Heights baseball?

Definitely last year at the State Title game. It was on my birthday, my 18th birthday, so that was really awesome that I got to play such a big game on my birthday. We didn’t come out on top, but it was a really fun experience and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.


How do you think that experience helps the guys who are still here this year?

I think it helps a lot. We have a lot of returning seniors that were in the dugout last year, and not all of them were playing, but just to be in the atmosphere, to be in the dugout, getting to see the big stage and the big game is really helpful. That’s really going to help us down the road.


What made you choose Trinity as your next step? 

For one thing, it’s close to home, and I appreciate that my parents get to come watch me, and it’s going to be a lot of fun in that sense. I just felt like it was the right fit. I’ve been working with their pitching coach for maybe four years now, and he never really persuaded me to go there or anything. He presented the opportunity, but I just thought it was the right fit for me. It’s a small college, which I like, and they won the National Championship last year so I think it’s going to be an awesome, awesome experience.


Credit: Spethen Spillman of the San Antonio Express News
Credit: Stephen Spillman of the San Antonio Express News


Was it important to you to go to a university where you could play baseball and football?

Yeah, that definitely factored in. It was always baseball first, but being Trinity and being a Division III school, I thought it’d be good to play football also. It’s a great way to stay in shape and just continue to be competitive.


Do you have any pregame rituals or superstitions?

I always tape my wrists at the same time every pregame. Parker Taylor and I do it at the same time every game. I never step on the line on game day. That’s a classic one. It’s mainly the tape and just the timing of it to get ready and get my mind right.


When you’re pitching do you do anything differently to prepare mentally?

Yeah, I would say I’m a little less talkative. I maybe listen to music a little more by myself just to narrow the focus down a little bit earlier than I normally would.


What’s your go to song before a game?

Not a go-to song, but I would definitely say some electronic music for when I’m pitching to get me hyped up. Definitely something upbeat.


Who is your favorite sports team?

I’m a big Boston Red Sox fan. I’ve always loved the Red Sox with Manny Ramirez, David Ortiz, all those guys. I’ve always been a Detroit Pistons fan in basketball. Ever since I was younger, I don’t know why, they were kind of like the bad guys, and I was attracted to them even though they were the Spurs’ rival and that’s when I started liking them. I’m also a big LSU fan. My mom and her side all went to LSU, so I’ve always been a die hard LSU football fan and gone to a bunch of games.


Do you play MLB The Show? If so, who do you play as, and who’s the best at it on the team?

I do, I play a lot actually. I mix it up with who I play as. I like playing with the Texas Rangers for some reason. Back in like 2012 they had such a good lineup with Josh Hamilton, Elvis Andrus, Adrian Beltre, all those guys, so I like playing as them. I would say me or Parker Taylor is the best. He’s pretty good. There were a lot more guys last year who played, but I’m sure we’ll get around to it this year.


If you were stranded on an island with one person, who would you choose and why?

I’d say my dad. He’s very resourceful, and he definitely thinks outside the box. I think that’s where I get some of my drive and creativity from, so I’d definitely say my dad.


If you need a laugh in the dugout or at practice, who do you go to?

Definitely James Tyng. He’s an upbeat guy, and he’s got a unique personality.


As both a baseball and football player, would you rather have Mike Trout’s speed, or Antonio Brown’s hands?

I’d say Mike Trout’s speed. I feel like you can train your hands, but I don’t know if you can train speed. If I’m fast, I can train my hands to be good, but if I have good hands, I can get faster but only to a certain point.


If you had to tell the world one thing about yourself, what would you say?

That I’d do anything to reach my goals. I’m a very goal driven person. I’m really excited to play at the next level and hopefully continue after that.


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