Senior Spotlight: Matthew Butler

Pitching, pitching, and more pitching. It’s what every team wants, and every good team needs. Matthew Butler is a pitcher the Alamo Heights Mules can always count on and call upon in any situation. After breaking his back at the end of his sophomore year, when he couldn’t hit, Butler gave up the bat and took on a role as strictly a pitcher.


Butler sat down with me after practice to talk about his life in baseball and answer some fun “rapid-fire” questions.


When did you start playing baseball?

I started playing baseball when I was like five, not really for a team or anything but just in the backyard with my older brother and my dad. I spent all my years at the Alamo Heights Little League.


When did you make varsity?

I made it my junior year. I was on Junior Varsity B (JVB) my freshman year and Junior Varsity A (JVA)  my sophomore year, so pretty much the normal route.


What has been your favorite memory with Alamo Heights baseball?

Definitely going to State last year. It was a really cool experience just being there with all my teammates watching us play. It was pretty cool getting there. That was one of the coolest parts, just watching us roll over each team and keep going, and once we got there we faced College Station and put it on them. Then the State game was a little rough, but it was still a cool experience.


What is your next step after high school? Do you hope to continue playing baseball?

I’m attending Texas Tech University, not to play baseball.


You’re strictly a pitcher. What is that like for you in terms of preparation?

It makes everything a lot easier because I only have one job and I only have to focus on one aspect of the game, but it definitely calls for a lot more than what people think it does. There’s still a lot of preparation behind it. If I know that I’m pitching that week I’ll probably throw a flat-ground and a short bullpen before the game. Then on game-day I’ll do bands and weighted balls and then stretch out, come to the bullpen and get going.


Do you miss hitting or playing out in the field?

I miss hitting, but I don’t really miss playing the field.

Credit: San Antonio Express News
Credit: San Antonio Express News


What’s your go to song before a game?

It changes a lot. Right now maybe “Portland” by Drake, maybe some “Mask Off,” or “Lets Go.” Definitely always rap.


Who is your favorite sports team?

I don’t really keep up with sports, but I’ll go with the Spurs.


Who do you go to if you need a laugh in the dugout or at practice?

Probably “Wass” (Jeremy Wasson), he always has something to say.


What are some of your hobbies outside of baseball?

I like to hunt. I played football, but I wasn’t very good. I quit in 8th grade.


Who would play you in a movie about your life?

Maybe Morgan Freeman. I like me some Morgan Freeman.


Name three people you would invite to your dream dinner party. What would you eat?

Jesus, the Dalai Lama and Morgan Freeman. We’d have a nice meatball sub.


If you were stranded on an island with one person, who would you choose and why?

Obviously Morgan Freeman, and possibly the Dalai Lama. They’re quality people. It’s pretty hard to give up when you have Morgan Freeman’s beautiful voice in your ear. The Dalai Lama, he knows everything.


If you had to tell the world one thing about yourself, what would you say?

Hey, I’m a pianist. I rock the piano.


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