Senior Spotlight: Jeremy Wasson

Infielder Jeremy Wasson has grown up playing baseball his entire life with the same teammates. Now, him and those teammates face a dwindling number of days together as a senior class. Before he graduates, Wasson is making sure to enjoy every moment with his team, whether it be at school, in the locker room, or in the dugout.


After a big win against Seguin, Wasson sat down with me to discuss his life in baseball and answer some fun “rapid-fire” questions.


When did you start playing baseball?

I started playing baseball ever since I can remember. I started off with tee-ball in about first grade and then worked my way through machine pitch, minors, majors, juniors and now high school all the way through the little league.


When did you make Varsity?

I got moved up my sophomore year for playoffs and then actually made Varsity for the first time my junior year.


How did getting called up help you?

Getting called up really helped me get to know what the processes of going from Junior Varsity to Varsity are like and what all it takes to find your role on Varsity and do what you best can do in that role.


What has been your favorite memory with Alamo Heights baseball?

Definitely the run we made last year for State, and then secondly being a senior. Knowing this is my last season with all the kids in my grade, I’m really enjoying that.


What is your next step after high school? Do you hope to continue playing baseball?

I’m going to be going to Texas Tech and will be studying architecture. There’s no more baseball after this year.


Is it weird to think you won’t play baseball for the first time in so long?

Yeah, especially since this is the last half if the year, it’s starting to hit me that I won’t ever play the sport again. It’s all I can remember, going to the little league fields with my friends or playing at the little league since I was little, so it’s kind of weird to see what I’m going to do next.


What would you tell others about what it’s like to be on such a close people with friends you’ve grown up with?

I think you should really enjoy the moment while you have it, because everything must come to an end, so just enjoy it while you still have it for sure.


You always have to be ready at a moment’s notice. What is that like?

In the dugout, you’re with your friends, so it’s really easy to just glance off or mess around with your friends. Just like [against Seguin,] I didn’t start, but next thing I knew Coach Thompson said ‘Go swing the bat,’ and I was on the deck in a snap and had to go hit. You just have to stay dialed in the whole game, because you never know when your name is going to be called.


Do you do anything in particular to maintain focus in the dugout?

I just really try to stay vocal in the game. I’m either talking to my friend or talking in the game, so being vocal and staying in to the game probably helps best. Stay vocal and stay with your teammates.


Do you have any pregame rituals or superstitions?

Me and Mike Courchene, we tape our wrist twice before every game. We started it kind of late in the season, but it’s been a thing we’ve done ever since. We did it the first time and kind of liked it, so we just rolled with it.


I notice you always wear stirrups. Why is that?

Yeah, stirrups every game for sure! I started it at the beginning of playoffs last year, and it seemed to work out for us last year, so I just kept it going.


Would you tell everyone to wear stirrups?

I think stirrups look cooler than just long pants. They’re the way to go.

Wasson bats against Seguin


What’s your go to song before a game?

Any song with a really upbeat tempo. I think the whole team likes that. Whenever something like that comes on in the locker room, the whole team gets ready to go.


Do you get to choose your walk-up song?

Yes, we chose them this year, and Jackson Tylman edited them for us. Mine is “Under The Bridge,” by Red Hot Chili Peppers.


Who is your favorite sports team?

Definitely the Dallas Cowboys. I’ve been a Cowboys fan my whole life. I follow Texas Tech since I’m going there. I used to be a really big Texas fan, but now that I’m going to Tech, and I’m hopping on that. The Red Sox are my favorite baseball team since day one.


Who do you go to if you need a laugh in the dugout or at practice?

Definitely Parker Taylor. He’s always in a really good mood and can always give you a good laugh. He always has something up his sleeve.


What are some of your hobbies outside of baseball?

Right now, I like playing basketball with my friends, just hanging out and enjoying these last few months I have with my friends before I graduate.


What’s your dream job?

My dream job is to be a sports agent. I think that would be really cool. My major is architecture, but if I could do anything I would do sports management.


Do you have any unique talents?

I’m working on one. Everyone on the team knows how to juggle, and I can’t, so I’ve been working on that. There’s like three or four of us who can’t juggle and we’re trying to learn.


Who would play you in a movie about your life?

Heath Ledger if he were still alive. I think he’s amazing. He can play any role he wants, like a dark role, or any other role.


Name three people you would invite to your dream dinner party. 

Marshawn Lynch, that’s my favorite athlete, Kanye West, and then definitely Will Ferrell. I love Marshawn Lynch because of the way he never talks to the media or anything. I think that’s so cool that he says ‘I’m  just gonna play football.’


What would you eat?

Oh, Hsiu Yu one more time. Spicy shredded chicken and some skittles on the side for Marshawn.


If you were stranded on an island with one person, who would you choose and why?

Matthew Butler. That kid, he’s smart. Whenever we’re driving around, he’s got the mind map, and he knows where to go. I think if we were on an island he’d know where to go.


If you had to tell the world one thing about yourself, what would you say?

Don’t let my looks perceive you, that’s what I would say.

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