Senior Spotlight: Jacob McManus

After being a middle infielder last year, Jacob McManus made a difficult switch in his senior season to first base, and the results have been extremely positive. McManus has become a crucial component of the Alamo Heights Mules, especially on defense. Considering this switch in positions to go along with transferring from McAllister Park to Alamo Heights in high school, McManus’s road to Varsity has not been easy, but it’s certainly been earned.


After practice, McManus sat down with me to talk about his life in baseball, his love for Miami sports, and to answer some fun “rapid-fire” questions.


When did you start playing baseball?

When I was three years old in tee-ball, and I actually played at McAllister Park Little League. Everybody from Heights hated me a little when I came over for baseball. I came over to Heights in 4th grade, but I still played baseball at McAllister.


When did you start playing at Alamo Heights?

High school. Freshman year was my first year they ever saw me play.


How hard was it to make that transfer to Alamo Heights? 

I knew of them, I just didn’t play baseball with them. I think they knew I played baseball, they just knew it was at McAllister. I didn’t know them personally for baseball, but I knew them personally friendship wise. I went to school with them, but I just didn’t play baseball with them. One year McAllister made it to the Little League World Series, and I wasn’t on that team but I knew people on that team, and I think they beat Alamo Heights to get there, so it was a big deal.


Why did you stay at McAllister even after you moved to Alamo Heights?

I was just more comfortable there, I had been there since I was three, and when I came over I really started to get into it. I was playing that and select baseball, so all my friends were at McCallister. I had never played here and didn’t know what it was like, and my dad was a coach over there so I played with him.


When did you make Varsity?

I didn’t make Varsity until the end of junior year when I got called up for playoffs.


What has been your favorite memory with Alamo Heights baseball? 

Definitily making it to State, for sure. Forrest was a beast on the mound. Getting to run the bases was pretty cool in certain big situations. Just the atmosphere was really cool, like at Dell Diamond. Beating all the teams round one through the final was a really cool experience. I really liked it.


What is your next step after high school? Do you hope to continue playing baseball?

My next step is to go to college. I’m going to Blinn College, and I maybe hope to play baseball. If it’s an option, I can see it. As far as school, I just want to get the academics started and if baseball is an opportunity that presents itself then yes, of course I would like to pursue that. It’d be cool.


Last year you mostly played middle infield, but now you’re making a big impact at first base. What has that switch been like?

It was definitely hard. I’ve played a different position every single year I’ve been playing at the high school. First base definitely wasn’t what I had in mind, it wasn’t something I even thought of playing, so the blessing I got in being as good as I’ve been doing at first is truly amazing. I really appreciate that. It’s fun, I like to play first. You’re always in the play, so there’s never a down moment. Picking a a good scoop every once in a while is pretty nice. I like it, and I enjoy it.


How did the change happen?

Coach Thompson just kept trying people at first base, and I guess he liked my athletic ability, saw what I had, and tried me out. Things went well from the get-go, the tournaments went really well, and I was pretty solid at first base. It’s been a big team effort. The team really helped me out, picked me up when I needed to be picked up, and we got stuff done.



Do you have any pregame rituals or superstitions?

I don’t have pregame rituals, but I always put my left sock on before my right sock and my left shoe on before my right shoe. When we’re doing the national anthem, I kind of visualize something, maybe do a little chest bump right after it. Nothing too major. I don’t do Coach Heiligman’s stuff where he puts quarters in his shoes. I don’t do anything like that.


Jacob McManus keeps his eye on the ball at first base. Credit: Mary Candee
Jacob McManus keeps his eye on the ball at first base.
Credit: Mary Candee


What’s your go-to song before a game?

My go-to song before a game is, from the new Kendrick Lamar album, “Humble.” I like the beat in it, it’s a new song that just came out, and I really like it. My walk-up song is “My Life Be Like (Ooh Ahh)” by Grits. Jackson Tylman and I had talked about it, but I hadn’t really committed to it. By the time I wanted a new song, it was too late. But it’s a good song. Pretty upbeat and my parents liked it, so that’s good.


Who is your favorite sports team?

I like the Miami Dolphins. Baseball is definitely the Yankees. College is definitely the University of Miami.


Where did the whole Miami thing come from?

My dad was a big Miami fan and just got me into it, so I’ve been a fan ever since. People know I’m a die hard Dolphins fan, and they give me a lot of slack for it. We made the playoffs this year, and it’s what I keep saying. We’re getting better, and it’s all that matters.


Who do you go to if you need a laugh in the dugout or at practice?

Parker Taylor and Hunter Campbell are pretty funny. They just get me going, but anybody is really funny. We’re a good, fun team.


What are some of your hobbies outside of baseball?

Hanging out with friends, I like to enjoy a nice Netflix movie, and family time. Family is always important to me. That’s pretty much it, I guess I really don’t do much outside of baseball.


What’s your dream job?

Definitely to be a detective, and a real detective, not like those shows. I want to solve cases, homicide murders. I think that would be really cool. I’m majoring in criminal law. I could be a lawyer on the side if the criminal law doesn’t work out. I’ll try be like a litigator. I hope to transfer from Blinn to Texas A&M, and then get my Master’s degree in Miami. I’d love to go to Miami.


If you could invent anything to make baseball easier what would it be?

A suction thing in the cages that sucks up all the balls so we don’t have to pick them up. That would be a good one.


Who would play you in a movie about your life?

Leonardo DiCaprio. He’s my favorite actor. I want him to make a movie about me. It would for sure win an Oscar.


Name three people you would invite to your dream dinner party. What would you eat?

Jarvis Landry from the Dolphins, Derek Jeter because I’ve idolized him and I’ll get Kawhi in there. We’d eat steak, potatoes and cream of corn.


If you were stranded on an island with one person, who would you choose and why?


I’ll go with Scarlett Johansson, because she’s beautiful, and why not?


If you had to tell the world one thing about yourself, what would you say?

I am loyal guy, funny and is willing to do whatever it takes.


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