Senior Spotlight: Hunter Campbell

Welcome to the third year of my Senior Spotlight with the Alamo Heights Baseball Team. It’s an exciting year for the Mules, and it’s even more fun to interview these seniors as a senior myself. Stay tuned (or subscribe!) for the rest of the season to meet all your senior Mules!


We start the season off spotlighting Second Baseman Hunter Campbell. If you happen to be at the Mule Yard and hear laughs coming from the dugout, chances are Campbell is somehow involved. When he’s around, the dugout is a happier, livelier place. Last year Campbell suffered a gruesome ankle injury while playing football, forcing him to rehab heavily and work his way back to the diamond where he commands second base and is often near the top of Head Coach Jason Thompson’s lineup as a catalyst for the Mules.


Before he heads off to Lubbock next year, find out how Campbell felt about playing with his brother, who he would invite to his dream dinner and much, much more!


When did you start playing baseball?

We’ll say probably in t-ball, around that age.


When did you make varsity?

I made varsity sophomore year.


What has been your favorite memory with Alamo Heights baseball?

Beating Dripping Springs at least once a year for the past two years we’ve played them because they are a very elite team in the state of Texas and it’s a big accomplishment.


After all these years playing baseball, what would you say is your favorite part of coming to the ballpark everyday?

My favorite thing is just enjoying it while it lasts because this is it so I’m living it.


What was it like playing with your brother?

It was awesome. It was something special that not a lot of people get to do. It may not have been fun for him at first but I think he liked it just because we were bonding more together.


What was it like to comeback after the major injury you suffered while playing football and rehabbing to play baseball?

It was rough. I didn’t walk for four months, so I spent most of my time during baseball season, because that’s when I started walking, rehabbing, so I didn’t get to do a lot on the field. I got to DH (designated hitter), which was good and fun, but I’d rather be out on the field so it was a struggle.


What was that adjustment to just hitting as a DH like?

It gets you a little better hitting, but kind of coming back this year I hadn’t fielded a ground ball in a year so it sets you back in that aspect.


Photo taken by Judy Thompson
Photo taken by Judy Thompson


Did it make you appreciate being out on the field?

Oh yeah.


What is your next step after high school?

I’m going to Texas Tech University. Maybe I’ll walk on. I’m thinking about it.


Do you have any pregame rituals or superstitions?

I’m really a superstitious guy. Not before games usually. Pregame rituals: I have to have Chipotle before a game. It’s a must. I get me a bowl, and it’s really good. It’s my secret recipe and it’s going to take the storm one of these days.


What’s your go-to song before a game?

I’ve got two actually. First one is “Animals” by Nickelback, just gonna keep you really pumped, and after that it’s “Girls Just Want To Have Fun,” my walk-up song. That kinda loosens up the game.


Who is your favorite sports team?

That’s tough. I used to love the [Washington] Nationals growing up just because Bryce Harper. He’s gone now, so I don’t know if I can say that. I’d say the Astros, but I haven’t watched baseball in a while but I grew up watching. My favorite sports team would have to be, I’d say, Texas Tech. I love watching them in all sports. Maybe not football at times but basketball and baseball.


Will they make a deep run in the NCAA Tournament?

Oh for sure. They might win it all. I’m gonna tell you this right now. You can be the first one to hear it. They will win, and this will be my documentation that they will win the whole thing.


If you were stranded on an island with one person, who would you choose and why?

I’d say Rodney Dangerfield or Bill Murray. We’d have a great time. We’d have a lot of fun.


Photo taken by Judy Thompson
Photo taken by Judy Thompson


If you could have dinner with three people, past or present, who would they be? What would you eat?

I’d say Kate Upton for sure, Melania Trump and Taylor Swift. We would eat Taco Bell. As many of those Doritos Locos Tacos we can get our hands on.


Over the years I always ask who makes people laugh in the dugout, and you’ve been a common answer for others. What do you think you do that makes people laugh and want to be around you during a game or practice?

I guess I’m a likable guy. I’m not the one that goofs around, but I’m not going to be the hard guy. I can see the light and make things fun. Even when it’s serious, you can still have fun, and I think I kind of remind people of that.


So who do you go to if you need a laugh in the dugout or at practice?

I gotta say either Bo DeWees or Angel [Tijerina].


If you had to tell the world one thing about yourself, what would you say?

Watch out.


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