Senior Spotlight: Hatch Campbell

Pitcher and utility player Hatch Campbell has become a mainstay in the Alamo Heights Mules’ everyday lineup. Although usually in left field, Campbell’s versatility could see him in several different positions in any given game. After his senior season, Campbell plans to attend Texas Tech University, where he’ll turn his focus away from baseball and towards school.


Before a crucial game against the rival Boerne Champion Chargers, Campbell sat down to talk about his life in baseball, what it’s like playing with his brother, and to answer some fun “rapid-fire” questions.


When did you start playing baseball?

I was four or five, and I started playing little league, and then when I was in eight grade I played a lot of summer ball and fall ball, and now high school.


When did you make varsity?

I was moved up junior year for the playoffs, and then now I’m on varsity this year.


What has been your favorite memory with Alamo Heights baseball?

Definitely going to State and just having that experience of such a different atmosphere to play in. It’s win or go home, and it’s really cool.


How do you think being up for playoffs helped you?

It did help me fore sure. It showed me what our goal is for this year, and it’s given me experience to expect when we do get to the State Championship.


Is it weird to think you won’t play baseball for the first time in so long?

Yeah, it’s going to be weird to stop doing something every single day for hours after school. It’s gonna be very weird.


What’s it like playing on a team with your brother?

It’s a lot of fun, more than what other people might think. [Hunter] is just great to be around. He’s a great competitor and a great athlete, and it’s good to have him on the team for sure.


Is it hard sometimes to have him on the same team?

No, not at all. He’s my little brother, and he may get on my nerves, but he never really bothers me.


What would you say is the hardest part about baseball?

The hardest part about baseball is definitly pitching. It’s just challenging and you get frustrated easily when you’re not commanding the ball.


Do you have any pregame rituals or superstitions?

I am superstitious, but I just try to keep myself calm, not step on the white line obviously, and just relax and not think too much.


Credit: Mary Candee with Dulce Design Photography
Credit: Mary Candee with Dulce Design Photography


What’s your go to song before a game?

Definitely “Simple Man,” by Lynyrd Skynyrd. My walk up song is “Hell’s Bells,” by AC/DC.


Who is your favorite sports team?

Either the Chicago Blackhawks, or you can’t go wrong with the Texas Tech Red Raiders. For baseball, you can’t go wrong with the Texas Rangers or the Washington Nationals.


It’s not often you hear hockey in San Antonio. How’d you get to like the Blackhawks?

I like hockey a little bit, but I just like watching the Blackhwaks. I think really eight grade I saw them play one game and it got me hooked.


Who do you go to if you need a laugh in the dugout or at practice?

Definitely Hunter Campbell.


What are some of your hobbies outside of baseball?

I play golf. I try to play golf every weekend in the summer. Then I like to go down to the coast and fly-fish. In the winter I like to go deer hunting and bird hunting.


What’s your dream job?

My dream job would definitely be to own a little animal hospital and be a veterinarian. That’s what I’m going to study in college.


Do you have any unique talents?

I can juggle.


Is it true that Jeremy Wasson is the only guy on the teammate who can’t juggle yet?

Yes, it is true. Jeremy is the only one on this team who can’t juggle. He’s still working on it, and he’s coming along pretty well. He’s getting there.


If you could invent anything to make baseball easier what would it be?

Make the baseball bigger so that it’s a bigger target to hit. Maybe it’ll be a little lighter and you could still hit it a long way.


Who would play you in a movie about your life?

Kevin Costner. I’m just a huge fan of him and how he acts, and I think he represents me. My favorite of his movies is “Bull Durham.”


Name three people you would invite to your dream dinner party. 

I’d invite Michael Jordan, because he’s Michael Jordan, Bill Murray because he’s one of my favorite actors and one of the funniest men I’ve ever seen, and Rodney Dangerfield. He’s another super funny actor from “Caddyshack.”


If you could tell the world one thing about yourself, what would you say?

I’m extremely competitive at anything I do. It doesn’t matter if it’s just messing around on the golf course or fishing or anything, I’m just extremely competitive.



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