Our Car

Our Car
By: Brian Yancelson
A 2003 Ford Expedition
It’s a plain
Not the newest,
not the greatest,
but effective
This “old car”
has taken my family
You always hear about the “new car smell”
how about “old car smell”
As soon as you get in the car
you smell the scent of food.
Lots and lots of food has been eaten here.
Some cars are so perfect
you can’t even eat in it.
Well that’s why this car is different.
From San Antonio
to Baltimore, and the Liberty Bell
in Philadelphia.
From Disney World,
to the Great Lakes and the
Budweiser Brewery in St. Louis
This car has done whatever we need.
It’s been dirty, and messy
but that’s ok
Because it’s our car
Our wonderful “old car”

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