Senior Spotlight: Will Greehey

Every team needs a player than can play at any position. As a pitcher and utility man, Will Greehey is just that. Whether it’s in the field for defense, in the starting lineup, or as a late game pinch hitter, Greehey remains ready at all times.


Before a big district game against Dripping Springs, Greehey sat down to talk about his life in baseball, his future, and to answer some fun “rapid-fire” questions.


When did you start playing baseball?

When I was five I started tee-ball, and then I played all the way through the little league. I’ve always played here.


When did you make Varsity?

I got moved up sophomore year during the playoffs, but I didn’t actually make it until junior year.


How did getting called up earlier help you?

I got the experience that helped prepare me for Varsity.


What has been your favorite memory with Alamo Heights baseball?

Definitely State last year. That was really cool. Just to get to State alone was a cool experience, and the whole tournament was great, but obviously the championship was the best.


What is your next step after high school? Do you hope to continue playing baseball?

I’m going to Texas Christian University, just to go to school.


Is it weird to think you won’t play baseball for the first time in so long?

Yeah, it’s going to be weird to not be an athlete anymore, but I think it will be good whenever I’m going through school. I’ll miss some parts of it.


You always have to be ready at a moment’s notice. What is that like?

It’s kind of stressful, but you can’t stress about it and I really try to not think about it that much. If I go in I go in and if I don’t I don’t. I just try to be ready whenever my name is called.


Is it hard to always maintain focus in the dugout?

No, not really. I’m always doing something. We’re always up at the fence, so it’s not like I’m sitting in the back twiddling my thumbs.


What would you tell others about what it’s like to be on such a close team with friends you’ve grown up with?

It’s definitely better than playing on a team where no one likes each other. If you’re all friends it’s a lot easier to get along and play as a team.


Do you have any pregame rituals or superstitions?

I’m not superstitious at all.


Will Greehey hits against Seguin
Will Greehey hits against Seguin


What’s your go to song before a game?

We all listen to music in the locker room, so whatever everyone else is listening to. Something that’s upbeat, because I don’t want to listen to anything slow before a game. My walk-up song is “Trophies” by Drake. The intro is kind of cool so I picked it.


Who is your favorite sports team?

Definitely the Spurs. I actually never got into college sports. I kind of just stuck with pro sports. I’ll probably have to follow TCU since I’m going there, but I haven’t started following them yet.


Who do you go to if you need a laugh in the dugout or at practice?

In the game it’s different. I go to Jeremy Wasson or Matthew Butler, but in practice I’m not with Butler or “Wass” most of the time, so I’ll go to Hatch Campbell in left field, or if I’m in right field I’ll talk to Parker Winton.


What are some of your hobbies outside of baseball?

I like to wake-board and surf. I play piano sometimes, although I got out of the class.


What’s your dream job?

Well, right now I’m hoping to go to college and get a Master’s in finance and then go in to investment banking, so that’s my job of choice right now. I’m kind of indecisive though, so I’ll probably change my mind. Anything with money management is what I want to do. I’m going to study finance so anything with numbers is what I want to do.


If you could invent anything to make baseball easier what would it be?

Ghost runners, like whenever you play in the backyard and get a hit but don’t have people and need ghost runners. That’d be kind of cool.


Who would play you in a movie about your life?

I like Jason Statham, but I’m not bald so I don’t think he could do that. It could be him. He’s done some pretty sweet movies. Matthew McConaughey is cool. He’s always good in those commercials, the Lincoln ones.


Name three people you would invite to your dream dinner party. What would you eat and where would you hold dinner?

Kawhi Leonard, because he’s my bro and I love Kawhi, Donald Trump, and Barry Bonds. We would definitely eat Mexican food, get some nice fajitas.


If you were stranded on an island with one person, who would you choose and why?

Definitely Bear Grylls, because he always seems to get out of whatever he’s in in his show, although I heard whenever he’s on those shows he goes and gets McDonald’s at night so I don’t know, maybe it’s all fake.


If you had to tell the world one thing about yourself, what would you say?

I’m pretty easy-going most of the time.

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